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Hello, my name is Layne Lundstrom. To those that know me, welcome. To those that don't...I hope you can find something of value, something of relevance, a direction in mind, anything that may contribute to your journey through time!


Spending 65 years on this planet we call Earth, probably 58 that I can remember, with a few years more than a little hazy, and positioned in just about as fine a position as I could have imagined at this point in my life (not thinking I would make it past 40) I have lived a lot of life, many a high and low. A lot of loss, a lot of gain. And now low and behold, still being here on this planet we call Earth, I get to write about it, so here we go!

Knowledge Points:

Sobriety - 32 yrs Sober, practicing my program everyday.

Diving - Retired SSI Dive Instructor/1,000 + dives including training dives/Over 500 open ocean dives/Teaching 100's of students.

Business Owner - Out'a the linez, marketing, advertising, graphic design... for 30 years.

Inventor | Owner | Patent Applicant - Tail Bridge, the industry leader in tailgate bridging solutions.

Co-Founder | CMO | Applicant | Receiver - The Buk Foundation | 501-c3 Nonprofit

Travel - Harley, plane, ocean current, mother nature... any and all!

Politics - Liberal, yet govern down the center! Just because I don't eat meat doesn't mean I expect everyone else not to. However, it does mean that animals must be treated in an humanly way, with respect and reverence for the creatures they are! As Matthew 25:40 states, “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me”

My platform, the 5 E's. (more to come.)

History - BUFF!!

World Affairs - Geopolitical groupie, because we only have one Earth!

Life in General - My take on the world, brands, people, things and places... Unabashed!

© 2024 Layne -  Near the East Entrance, Yellowstone.




Layne Lundstrom is the founder and creative director at Out'a the linez, Inventor and owner of Tail Bridge, a tailgate bridging system,

co-founder of The Buk Foundation, outdoor enthusiast and Harley rider!

This site is dedicated to my passions... writing, traveling, teaching and anything building or art. It is my take on the world through my eyes, unfiltered and unabridged. Some folks will disagree with my take I am sure, and I am fine with that. But, I don't sugar coat things and I don't spout "Alternative Facts."


I hope to make a difference, and share the experiences and knowledge that I have garnered throughout the years.




Published Author:Creative Writing
Nationally Circulated Trade Publications

Fiction or non-fiction, words are the windows of life!

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Cover design: Layne


To be the best person I can be, regardless!


Statesman not Politician!

A rare breed if still exhistent at all.

Action is more powerful than words.



©2021 All Rights Reserved.

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